Our treatments and therapies

Our treatments and therapies

It is important that each patient is fully aware of the treatments that he/she will receive in order to better understand their action and boost the effectiveness of a Swiss/Phytotherapy® - Mességué® - Phytoline® programme.

If patients follow our treatments and take the various dietary supplements that we give them each day, they will feel regenerated from the inside, i.e. a real feeling of wellbeing with improved quality of life that should last several months. The aim of these treatments is to improve patients' health, quality of life and longevity.


  • List of treatments and therapies

  • List of beauty treatments, activities and complementary services


    To extend and enhance this feeling of wellbeing, Swiss/Phytotherapy - Mességué® - Phytoline® also offers patients a range of traditional treatments and therapies (massages, face care, hair removal, hand and foot care, etc.) as well as additional activities that complement the treatments (aqua gym, fitness, etc.).